micah 6:8 - 1.5 inch buttons
micah 6:8 - 1.5 inch buttons
story:: while based on a verse from the old testament, the buttons work well for many modern applications. do justice - rise up, resist, persist, fight for black lives matter and trans rights and reuniting families and protecting all. fight for what's right. love mercy - some versions of the old testament say "love kindness" here, and that's what mercy should be - kindness. love others, care for others, show up for others, love grace, and walk in others' shoes. walk humbly - walk with simplicity, care for others, give back to the world.
available:: singly or as a mixed set of 25, a set of 25 "do justice", a set of 25 "love mercy", a set of 25 "walk humbly" - choose the appropriate option at checkout
size:: 1.5 inches, made in the usa.
note:: colors may vary from screen to screen - we've done our absolute best to accurately represent them.